Philanthropy Made Easy: the Emergence of Donor-Advised Funds in Asia

Inside Philanthropy

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) have become an important giving tool in the U.S. and are rising in popularity in #Asia. CAPS research showed that the trends that characterize its growth in Asia are distinct from those seen in the U.S. What are the distinct characteristics, and how can philanthropists in Asia leverage DAFs to cultivate structured and strategic giving in the region?

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Philanthropy in Asia is becoming more professional

The Economist

Within global philanthropy, the spotlight generally falls on the wealthy West. It is tycoons from the rich world who are lauded for giving away vast sums. The most talked-about trends in giving are set in America, in particular. But with rapid economic growth, a new generation of wealthy donors is emerging in the developing world, too, and nowhere more so than in Asia. Philanthropy in Asia is gradually becoming more strategic, with donors focusing on long-term solutions rather than short-term charity.

Read the article here.




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余偉文:混合融資助推動經濟綠色轉型 運用科技協助轉型

亞洲公益事業研究中心(CAPS)發佈最新研究報告—《重建綠色:亞洲應對氣候變化之策》。該報告對來自中國內地、香港、印度、印尼、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、中華台北和泰國10個亞洲經濟體的163家企業、基金會和非營利組織的個人和專家進行了訪談,旨在分析亞洲企業、投資者、慈善家等私人資本如何應對當前的環境挑戰,呈現亞洲應對氣候行動的獨特視角,為公共和私營部門提供建議。 Read more here.

Climate change is an ‘opportunity not a cost’

The head of the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society says firms need to start viewing climate change not as a cost, but an opportunity for innovation. Ruth Shapiro and her society will be hosting an event on Tuesday at the Asia Society, which brings together top business leaders to share their insights on climate challenges. Dr Shapiro told Janice Wong that many companies realise the need to tackle climate issues and transform their business, otherwise they may struggle to survive.

Listen to the full interview here.


Building Back Greener: Addressing Climate Change in Asia

Climate change and environmental degradation are increasingly impacting our society and have highlighted the necessity for collective action by individuals, governments, and the private sector. However, in a region where most economies are still emerging, striking a balance between ambitious environmental efforts and development goals adds a layer of complexity.

This report examines the ways in which Asian private capital—from corporations, investors and philanthropists—is being brought to bear on environmental challenges. Drawing insights from interviews with 163 individuals and experts from companies, foundations, and nonprofits across 10 Asian economies (Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand) we look at what actions local companies and organizations are taking to adapt to and mitigate environmental challenges. It provides unique Asian perspectives on climate action and offers recommendations for public and private sectors.

The report identifies four characteristics of the ways in which funders push resources towards environmental challenges, identifies the challenges companies and organizations face when doing so and presents recommendations and next steps for funders in this space.




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DAF interest in APAC rises but tax incentives not main draw

Citywire Asia

According to CAPS ‘ report, tax benefits, often touted as the primary motivation behind setting up donor-advised funds, are not a top priority in mainland China, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, and Singapore.

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The power of clusters: Building a strong philanthropy ecosystem in Asia

Philanthropy News Digest

Recognizing that philanthropy and other types of private social investment are increasingly important facets of a family’s vision of the resources they seek to both grow and deploy, Hong Kong and Singapore are endeavoring to become family offices. While there is more money in the region, the lack of collaboration and cooperation among various stakeholders has hindered the development of effective and sustainable solutions.

Angel Chiang from CAPS discussed how to use the philanthropy cluster model to unlock the potential for philanthropy and build a collaborative ecosystem for long-term impact.

Read more here.

Philanthrophy in Hong Kong

In an interview with the “Backchat” program hosted by Radio 3 of RTHK, Kithmina Hewage, Senior Advisor, Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society, discussed how Hong Kong can become an international hub for charities with the hosts and guest speakers. Listen to the full conversation here.