Building Back Greener: Addressing Climate Change in Asia

Climate change and environmental degradation are increasingly impacting our society and have highlighted the necessity for collective action by individuals, governments, and the private sector. However, in a region where most economies are still emerging, striking a balance between ambitious environmental efforts and development goals adds a layer of complexity.

This report examines the ways in which Asian private capital—from corporations, investors and philanthropists—is being brought to bear on environmental challenges. Drawing insights from interviews with 163 individuals and experts from companies, foundations, and nonprofits across 10 Asian economies (Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand) we look at what actions local companies and organizations are taking to adapt to and mitigate environmental challenges. It provides unique Asian perspectives on climate action and offers recommendations for public and private sectors.

The report identifies four characteristics of the ways in which funders push resources towards environmental challenges, identifies the challenges companies and organizations face when doing so and presents recommendations and next steps for funders in this space.

DECODED: Donor-Advised Funds in the Asia-Pacific

Our DECODED series unpacks, explains and crystallizes issues critical for social investment in Asia. It draws upon our expertise in research and access to an extensive network of sector experts and philanthropists in 18 Asian economies enabling us to identify emerging trends in the region. Through DECODED, we translate these concepts into digestible insights.

This edition of DECODED looks at the emergence of donor-advised funds (DAFs) in the Asia-Pacific and identifies the different models and motivations for setting up this type of fund in the region. While yet to become mainstream in most Asia-Pacific economies, donors, sponsoring organizations and social innovators have a strong and growing interest in the potential of DAFs to facilitate strategic philanthropic giving in the region.



루쓰 싸피로 CAPS 공동의장, “기후 변화는 국경을 모른다”

The Industry Journal

루쓰 싸피로(Ruth Shapiro) CAPS(아시아자선사회센터) 공동의장이 서울 대한상공회의소에서 3일 열린 ‘2023 탄소중립과 에너지정책 국제세미나’(이하 세미나)에서 축사를 진행했다. More here.

탄소중립 혁신 솔루션 찾아라… 대한상의 100대 정책과제 제안

Metro Seoul

[메트로신문] 대한상의가 탄소중립을 위해 세미나를 개최하고 100대 정책 과제를 담은 전략 보고서를 발표했다. 대한상공회의소는 3일’Innovation Solutions for Net Zero’를 주제로 ‘제5회 탄소중립과 에너지정책 국제세미나’를 개최했다. More here.

Giving Korea 2022

The Beautiful Foundation

Giving Korea is an annual report produced by CAPS’ partner, The Beautiful Foundation, measuring the scope and size of giving across the economy. The 2022 edition includes an overview of domestic data accumulated over 20 years, tracking changes in the scale of donations in Korea, as well as an analysis of giving behaviors by gender, generation, and donation type. The report also considers perceptions of and trust in nonprofit organizations, and attitudes toward social giving and participation.

Key findings include:

  • Motives for giving are generally in the order of compassion, social responsibility, personal happiness and religious belief, followed by tax benefits.
  • Individual and corporate giving were both impacted by the economic slowdown during the pandemic.
  • Public-interest corporations that engage in fundraising attract, on average, 39% of funds from corporations, 35% from individuals, 9% from foundations, and the rest from other sources.

Read the report here.

“비영리단체가 일하기 좋은 나라 되려면?”… 아름다운재단, 공익활동 환경평가 결과 발표

Chosun Media

“국내 공익활동을 활성화하려면 세 가지 부분에서 변화가 필요합니다. 정부 규제 완화, 지역 내 지원 활용, 신뢰 부족 문제 해결이 선행돼야 합니다.”

지난 12일 아름다운재단이 비영리 연구·자문기구인 ‘아시아 필란트로피 소사이어티센터'(CAPS)와 공익활동 환경평가지수 ‘두잉 굿 인덱스(Doing Good Index, DGI) 2022’ 조사 결과 발표회를 온라인으로 개최했다. DGI는 아시아 각국의 ▲정부 규제 ▲세금과 재정 정책 ▲정부 조달 ▲공익 생태계 등 공익활동에 영향을 주는 요인을 파악해 평가한다. 지난 2018년 첫 분석 결과를 내놓은 이후 2년 주기로 발표되며, 이번이 세 번째다. Read here.

Asia’s social sector sees a funding decline

SME Horizon

COVID-19 has exacerbated income inequalities and social disparities across Asia, serving as a force multiplier for trends already in place. Assessing performance across four sub-indexes – Regulations, Tax and Fiscal Policy, Ecosystem, and Procurement – CAPS’ biennial flagship study, the Doing Good Index 2022, examines the social investment landscape in Asia. Read here.

In Conversation With Ruth Shapiro, Founder and Chief Executive of Centre for Asia Philanthropy and Society


According to the Doing Good Index 2022, which analyses the social investment landscape in Asia, Covid-19 has exacerbated social disparities and income inequalities and across the region. We talk to Dr. Ruth Shapiro, the Co-Founder and Chief Executive of the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS), which conducts the study biennially, about the pandemic’s impact on people in Asia, her work and improving Hong Kong’s social sector. Read here.

Funding for Asian NGOs falls amid tighter regulations

Philanthropy Age

Almost half of Asia’s social delivery organisations have reported a decline in funding in the last 12 months, some as much as 50 percent, according to new research. The Hong Kong-based Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) surveyed more than 2,000 entities and some 120 experts across 17 Asian economies, including India, Pakistan, China, and Singapore. Read here.

The Doing Good Index Reveals Asia’s Social Sector Sees a Funding Decline Despite Having the Highest Pandemic-Induced Poverty Globally

Yahoo Finance

Covid-19 has exacerbated income inequalities and social disparities across Asia, serving as a force multiplier for trends already in place. A new social impact study released today by the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) shows how to maximize philanthropic and policy responses to cope with these post-Covid challenges. Read here.