日本のソーシャルセクターのDoing Good(良い行い)を妨げているものは?


Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society(CAPS)は香港を拠点とする調査・アドバイザリー機関であり、アジアのソーシャルセクターに関する詳細な比較調査であるDoing Good Indexを隔年で発表している。2020年以降、CAPSは日本NPOセンターと協力して、日本のNPOや専門家からデータを収集しているが、今回2024年の調査報告書からの知見をいくつか紹介したい。

Read the full article here.

アジアのソーシャルセクター比較調査Doing Good Index 2024で、日本のソーシャルセクターが活躍できる環境を検証!

CNET Japan

Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society(CAPS:香港)と認定特定非営利活動法人日本NPOセンター(所在地:東京都千代田区)はアジアのソーシャルセクター比較調査であるDoing Good Index 2024報告書において、日本のソーシャルセクターの実績を評価しました。2024年の報告書では、日本のソーシャルセクターにおける強みや、セクターをさらに発展させるための可能性について明らかにされています。

日本NPOセンターは調査パートナーとしてDoing Good Indexの日本側調査に協力しましたが、このたび日本の読者に向けて、Doing Good Index 2024からエグゼクティブサマリー(概要)と第1章と第2章、国別概要(アジアと日本)部分を翻訳した抄訳版(PDF)を公表いたしました。

Read the full article here.

Unlocking Cross-Border Philanthropy in Asia


“While Asia has seen enormous economic growth and development in recent decades, income disparity remains and with millions across the continent continuing to live in poverty. As the number of high-net-worth individuals in Asia increases, so is cross-border giving, as wealthier Asians communities look beyond the needs of their own economy.

Give2Asia’s new report identifies some of the impediments to cross-border giving, such as donor preference, regulatory hurdles and lack of institutional readiness. The report describes an “overall stringent regulatory environment” with “varying levels of enabling policies regarding cross-border giving.” Much of this comes down to restrictions placed by individual economies on the sending and receiving of donations across borders.”

English version available here.

日本語: Japanese translation (abridged) available here.


Doing Good Index 2022

Assessing the Health and Well-being of Asia’s Social Sector

Doing Good Index microsite

Our interactive microsite lets you visualize, explore and compare our data. Use our graphics and maps to help you understand Asia at a glance. The data dashboard allows you to compare economies and track changes across time. Economy profiles present a visual and digestible deep dive into each economy.

What is the Doing Good Index?

The Doing Good Index 2022 is the most comprehensive social impact index in Asia to date, highlighting the factors that drive or hinder private capital flowing towards social and economic challenges across 17 Asian economies.

The Doing Good Index comes at a critical time when economies have been heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities have been exacerbated, and hard-won progress in social and economic growth has been undone. An estimated two-thirds of those newly forced into poverty live in South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific.

To address these shared challenges, all parts of society—individuals, companies, government and the social sector—must work together to drive more resources towards building a better future together. The Doing Good Index shows how. It provides a roadmap of the policies and practices that can unleash this capital by mitigating the trust deficit; leveraging local support; and facilitating cross-sector collaboration.

In 2022 we surveyed 2,239 SDOs and interviewed 126 experts across 17 Asian economies. In mapping the landscape of social investment, the study examines four sub-indices: Regulations, Tax and Fiscal Policy, Ecosystem, and Procurement. We also include a section on how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the social sector.

The Doing Good Index is published every two years. Read the inaugural edition from 2018 and our 2020 edition.

Doing Good Index 2020

Profiling Asia's Social Sectors: The Path Forward

Doing Good Index microsite

Our interactive microsite lets you visualize, explore and compare. It has graphics and maps to help you understand Asia at a glance. Economy profiles present a visual and digestible deep dive into each economy.  The data dashboard allows you to compare one economy with another, or with the rest of Asia.

What is the Doing Good Index?

The Doing Good Index 2020 showcases factors that drive or hinder private capital flowing towards needs in 18 Asian economies. It shows how, at a time when foreign funding is declining across the region, “Asia for Asia” philanthropy and other types of private social investment can fill the gap.

The Doing Good Index provides a roadmap for actions that can unleash this capital by aligning incentives around doing good; mitigating the trust deficit; and maximizing private social investment. With these policies and practices in place, an enormous US$587 billion per year can be mobilized towards doing good.

Our 2020 index is based on original data gathered from surveying 2,189 nonprofits and social enterprises and interviewing 145 country experts across 18 Asian economies. Its lessons are more timely than ever, as it shows how the public, private and social sectors can come together to work towards a stronger and more equitable Asia as we build our way out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Want to listen instead of read? Watch us present the main findings.

The Doing Good Index is published every two years. Read the inaugural edition from 2018, and look out for the Doing Good Index 2022 which will reveal how Asian economies have fared following the pandemic.