Evolving Corporate Social Responsibility Trends in Taiwan

Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society, in collaboration with CommonWealth Magazine

Taiwan boasts a sophisticated market economy, distinguished by a thriving technology sector, strong connections to international markets, and a lively landscape of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This environment has created a dynamic foundation for the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. Understanding the trends and practices in Taiwan’s CSR efforts offers valuable insights for stakeholders across the region.

This report, developed in collaboration with Taiwan’s leading media outlet, CommonWealth Magazine, investigates CSR trends and practices in Taiwan, with a focus on companies recognized by the prestigious Sustainable Citizenship Award from 2007 to 2023. Drawing on 17 years of longitudinal data, the report reveals how Taiwanese companies are embedding CSR into their business strategies, consistently exceeding regulatory requirements, prioritizing environmental sustainability, and contributing to broader global sustainability goals.

Taiwan’s ability to integrate CSR into its economic framework offers valuable lessons for other Asian economies striving for sustainable development. As Taiwan’s CSR landscape continues to evolve, it is poised to drive innovations and practices. Its forward-thinking approach and successful policies offer a blueprint for balancing economic growth with environmental and social stewardship, providing a model for sustainable development across the region.


本報告與台灣《天下雜誌》合作開展,基於2007 年至 2023 年間獲得「天下永續公民獎」的企業樣本數據,深入分析了台灣CSR的發展趨勢與特徵。通過對過往 17 年間的縱向資料進行質性和量化分析,報告揭示了台灣企業逐步將CSR融入其經營戰略,在實踐上超越法規要求、聚焦環境因素,並為更廣泛的全球永續發展目標做出貢獻。




位於香港、2013年成立的亞洲公益事業研究中心(CAPS),是國際知名的社會投資與永續議題研究單位,包括香港恆隆集團董事長陳啟宗、韓國SK會長崔泰源、印度塔塔集團前董事長Ratan Tata(拉坦.塔塔)、台灣富邦集團的蔡明忠等人,都是該單位的理事和顧問群。

CAPS與《天下雜誌》攜手,花了近一年的時間,彙整天下永續公民獎將近20年的資料,觀察台灣企業驅動永續轉型的脈絡與特色,最後產出一份專業報告《台灣企業社會責任發展趨勢觀察》(Evolving Corporate Social Responsibility Trends in Taiwan)。


Read the full article here.

Doing Good Index 2024 – Examining the Readiness of Asia’s Social Sectors to Thrive

CAPS’ biannual Doing Good Index identifies the factors that drive or hinder the giving and receiving of private social investment to address social needs.

Now in its fourth iteration, the Doing Good Index 2024 looks at how the four components of the Index—regulations, tax and fiscal policy, ecosystem and procurement—have changed in the last two years. The findings are evidence-based, derived from original data from surveying 2,183 nonprofits and social enterprises and interviewing 140 experts across 17 Asian economies. This iteration of the report also includes a special thematic section on the impact of digital technology on Asia’s social sector.

Against the backdrop of the tumultuous Covid-19 years, the 2024 Index shows a continuation of the status quo with few major changes. However, the lack of change is not necessarily bad, as stability lays the groundwork for the social sector to thrive. The report also finds that Asia’s social sector is insufficiently prepared for the technological future, held back by inadequate access to digital infrastructure, capacity constraints and insufficient donor support.

The Index offers a blueprint of the policies and practices that can unleash private social capital and how the public, private and social sectors can work together to build a stronger and more equitable Asia.

Doing Good Index microsite

Our interactive microsite lets you explore and compare our Index data using visual and digestible graphics. The economy profile pages present a deep dive into each economy and provide a longitudinal overview of select data points. The data dashboard allows you to compare economies with each other, the Asian average and over time.

The Doing Good Index is published every two years. Read the inaugural edition from 2018, our 2020 edition, and our 2022 edition.


Building Back Greener: Addressing Climate Change in Asia

Climate change and environmental degradation are increasingly impacting our society and have highlighted the necessity for collective action by individuals, governments, and the private sector. However, in a region where most economies are still emerging, striking a balance between ambitious environmental efforts and development goals adds a layer of complexity.

This report examines the ways in which Asian private capital—from corporations, investors and philanthropists—is being brought to bear on environmental challenges. Drawing insights from interviews with 163 individuals and experts from companies, foundations, and nonprofits across 10 Asian economies (Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand) we look at what actions local companies and organizations are taking to adapt to and mitigate environmental challenges. It provides unique Asian perspectives on climate action and offers recommendations for public and private sectors.

The report identifies four characteristics of the ways in which funders push resources towards environmental challenges, identifies the challenges companies and organizations face when doing so and presents recommendations and next steps for funders in this space.

India Philanthropy Report

Bain & Company and Dasra

The India Philanthropy Report series showcases the state of giving towards the social sector in India. It highlights the growing contribution of family foundations, which has remained resilient during the pandemic, while other sources of private sector funding have stagnated. However, the social sector remains underserved, with annual funding shortfalls compounded by the addition of pandemic-induced demands.

2023 edition
In its 13th edition, India Philanthropy Report 2023, co-created by Bain & Company and Dasra, focuses on the different funder archetypes – CSR, Retail Givers, UHNIs, HNI & Affluent Givers, their deeply correlated roles, factors and barriers influencing different cohorts of givers and actionable insights into specific enablers that can make philanthropy more effective. Read it here.

2022 edition
The report notes that as India advances towards growth and transformation, an opportunity exists to invest in and support different funder groups across CSR, family philanthropy and retail giving. Read it here.

2021 edition
The report estimates that if India’s ultra-high-net-worth families increase their giving in line with global peers (i.e., they give 2-3% of their wealth), family philanthropic funding would increase five-fold. Read it here.

Corporate Philanthropy in Pakistan

Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP)

These reports examine the philanthropic contributions toward social development by the corporate sector in Pakistan.

Pakistan Giving Index

Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy

The Pakistan Giving Index by the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy examines the scope and nature of giving in Pakistan. Inspired by the methodology of the CAF World Giving Index, the study looks at different aspects of giving behavior, whether people are giving to charity and to whom they gave, their motivations for giving and the perceived impact of their contributions. Key findings include the need for charities and non-profit organizations to effectively communicate their work and their impact to win the trust of the public. Read it here.

Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar: A Citizen-First Approach

Rohini Nilekani

Indian philanthropist Rohini Nilekani highlights an urgent need to shift the thinking of our role in cultivating an equitable and resilient society in her new book, Samaaj, Sarkaar, Bazaar: A Citizen-First Approach. The book compiles 15 years of her writings on the three sectors: society, state and markets. Nilekani invites “thinkers, researchers, writers, civic leaders, and all citizens to join the important public discourse” and argues for the restoration of society as the foundational sector. Read it here.

Charles Chen 陈一丹 (China)
创办人 Founder
腾讯 Tencent、腾讯基金会 Tencent Charity Foundation、一丹奖 Yidan Prize、武汉学院 Wuhan College
中国 China

Published date: 13 July 2022

曾两年连续以巨额现金捐赠被列为中国首善的腾讯创始人之一陈一丹,2013 年从腾讯首席行政官卸任后,以公益慈善和教育为志业。2022 5 月,CAPS 联合创始人兼主席陈启宗与陈一丹进行了一次线上对话,希望了解他多年投身公益慈善事业的心得以及他对促进教育事业发展的理解。

Tencent founder Charles CHEN Yidan is recognized as one of China’s most charitable men. Since stepping down from his role as Tencent’s Chief Administrative Officer in 2013, he has been pursuing his goal of supporting education through a variety of philanthropic initiatives. In May 2022, CAPS Co-Founder and Chairman Ronnie C. Chan had a conversation with Charles to learn about his philanthropy and his understanding of how to promote education development. 

陈启宗:我是亚洲公益事业研究中心(CAPS)的主席,非常欢迎陈一丹先生今天和我们交流。本次交流目的是用于 CAPS 正在开展的一项聚焦中国大陆地区的研究报告《中国社会公益慈善指南》。今天非常荣幸请到腾讯主要创始人之一陈一丹博士接受访谈。我们知道,一丹几年前退休后,基本上所有时间都放在慈善事业上。我想先问一丹,你们这一代人很有意思,很多都是出生时并不富裕,但却又成了世界最成功的企业家、创始人之一。关于财富,你怎么看?用来干什么?

Ronnie C. Chan: I am the Chairman of CAPS, and I am very pleased to welcome Mr. Charles CHEN Yidan to speak with us today. The purpose of today’s interview is for an ongoing CAPS study focused on mainland China, the China Issue Guide series. Today we are honored to interview Mr. Chen Yidan, one of the core founders of Tencent. We know that Mr. Chen retired a few years ago and now spends all of his time on philanthropy. I’d like to start by asking, it’s interesting that many of your generation were not born wealthy, yet have become some of the most successful entrepreneurs and founders in the world. What do you think of the wealth you have generated?

陈一丹:谢谢 Ronnie。应该说我们是随着改革开放成长起来的一代,不管是城市还是农村长大,基本上都是小康之家。所以温饱问题或是从家里获得的安全感和成长性都是比较好的。而这个过程中,虽然国家原来经济发展较薄弱,但在我们成长过程中,一直是蒸蒸日上的趋势。从我们小学、初中到大学,再走向工作,很幸运是在一个改革开放的时代,经济的不断增长和各种机遇涌现,再加上我们从事的互联网行业更是和世界接轨,促使我们不断在学习、在成长,也就造就了我们这一代人。


Charles CHEN Yidan: Thank you, Ronnie. We are the generation that grew up during the period of Reform and Opening-up, so whether we grew up in the city or in the countryside, we were basically well provided. We had sufficient food and clothing as well as a sense of security, it was all going well for us. Several decades ago, although the country’s economic development was relatively weak, we saw development and prosperity improve day by day. We were lucky that we were situated in this era of reform, all the way from school to work. The roaring economy, the many opportunities, and the fact that we were in the internet business connected us with the rest of the world. All these allowed us to keep learning and growing. This is how our generation was minted.

As for my perspective on money, it provides an opportunity to do something for society. People’s positive actions beget a cycle of positivity in the society. I grew up in Shenzhen [Special Economic Zone] and witnessed how the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals donated to disaster relief in the flooded areas of  China at a young age. Everyone, entrepreneurs and citizens, would donate and help. This legacy is very important. In the Chinese cultural tradition, good deeds will be rewarded. Or from the Buddhist point of view, whether it’s a gift of material things, a gift of the dharma (truth), or even a gift of fearlessness, those are all rooted in human nature.


Ronnie C. Chan: So why philanthropy? What have been the biggest learnings you have had personally from it?


在腾讯最初成立时,2007 年我参与发起互联网企业第一家慈善基金,一晃也十几年了。在这个实践探索中,我有三个点可以分享:第一,社会痛点是公益慈善的起点。你如果去观察公益行业,其实痛点不少,我的想法是把问题看成是有待解决的需求,问题即需求。这其实跟中医一样,痛则不通,通则不痛。



Charles CHEN Yidan: The concept of charity is rooted in traditional Chinese culture. I think the seed of charity is planted in everyone’s heart. We just do what we can. For me, doing charity is a very natural thing. Luckily these years I could focus on doing charity full-time.

More than a decade ago, I participated in launching the first charity fund for Chinese internet companies in 2007. From this experience, I have three points to share: First, social pain points are the starting point of philanthropy. The social sector has many pain points, my idea is to see problems as needs to be solved. Similar to Chinese medicine practitioners when they say, Tong Ze Bu Tong, Tong Ze Bu Tong.[1]

Secondly, the development of philanthropy can utilize the development of technology and social giving platforms. After so many years of hard work, everyone can now participate in giving. The next step is to strengthen transparency and multi-stakeholder participation to foster a robust philanthropic ecology—this is what we are doing continuously and is also the consensus of the sector.

Third, doing philanthropy is actually about addressing the root of the problem. We need to understand the root cause in order to fundamentally solve the issue. Through philanthropy, I gradually realized that whether you are improving conditions around the problem, promoting the development of technology, or cultivating the goodness of people, it ultimately comes back to people. And education is all about people.

陈启宗:在聊你个人公益事业前,我想聊一下腾讯。你们发起基金会是 2007 年,当时腾讯成立不到 10 年,也不是规模最大的时候,你们几位主要创始人当时是经过怎样的考虑决定成立基金会的?

Ronnie C. Chan: Before we talk more about your philanthropy, I’d like to talk about Tencent. You launched Tencent Foundation 2007 when Tencent was less than 10 years old, why did Tencent choose to launch this philanthropic arm at that time?

陈一丹:我们 2004 年上市之后,有全面地去看这家企业的发展,而公益慈善是其中的一个方面。到了 2006 、2007 年,内地对于私人参与公益慈善的环境逐渐向好,加上我们也在思考如何创造机会回馈社会和用户,同时作为上市企业履行社会责任,于是我们几个很快就达成共识,董事会也都非常赞同,觉得这是一个走长远的企业应该去做的。


随着腾讯公益平台的发展,我们看到公众捐款开始达到 一亿、十亿、几十亿。但其实我看重的并不是捐款数额,而是这个数字背后的人群。让网友成为公益的主角,是非常重要的。因为单个人的影响力是非常有限的,如果能让更多人捐款,带动的不仅仅是捐赠额的提升,还有对公益项目的关注、监督。我看重的是这个层级的参与度和影响力以及人人参与的公益生态。

Charles CHEN Yidan: After Tencent went public in 2004, we did a comprehensive review of the development of the company. Philanthropy was one of the aspects. At the time (in 2006 and 2007), we questioned how we could create opportunities to give back to the community, as well as to fulfill our social responsibility as a listed company. Together with the Board of Directors we agreed that [establishment of Tencent Foundation] was something a long-term enterprise should do.

At first, our vision was simply to allocate a portion of the company’s profits to the foundation annually to form a long-term mechanism. During the process, we learned a lot. One was how to establish a foundation in China and become the first corporate foundation in the internet sector. Second was to learn about establishing charitable organizations at home and abroad. I must say, at the time, the leading consideration was to ensure we could align and utilize Tencent’s strengths. Therefore, as an internet company, naturally we established a public-facing Tencent charity platform.

We saw the growth of public donations reach RMB100 million, RMB 1 billion, and then dozens of billion, as Tencent’s charity platform matured. I truly value the number of people involved in social giving, more than the donation amount itself. Empowering internet users to become the protagonists of philanthropy is crucial. The influence of a single person is extremely limited, but collectively we can increase the donation amount as well as raising awareness of social issues and governance of philanthropic projects. What I value is how everyone at all levels can participate in philanthropy and the sheer influence of this level of participation.


Ronnie C. Chan: Excellent. No wonder you, deservingly, are known as the ‘Father of Internet Philanthropy’. It’s very respectable that you were able to inject such a philosophy into Tencent before you retired. Before you set up your personal foundation, you were involved in many philanthropic undertakings, for example, you founded Wuhan College. Why focus on education? What problems do you hope to solve for the society?

陈一丹:关注教育有理性的原因,也有感性的原因。感性的原因和自己从小生长环境有关,我们都是得益于教育而成长起来的。教育对我们的影响实在是太大了。我的祖母是一个文盲,但她独立把我父亲抚养成了村里的第一个大学生。大家经常说教育会带来命运的改变或是物质生活的改变,这是实实在在存在的。但是家庭教育对于一个人对幸福、对价值观的影响,是无限的。我的祖母 98 岁去世的,但每次想起她,我总觉得很有力量。



Charles CHEN Yidan: [For me] there are both rational and emotional reasons to care about education. Emotionally, it has to do with the environment we grew up in: we all benefitted from education. My grandmother was illiterate. She was able to independently raise my father to be our village’s first college student. As one says, education can change one’s destiny or bring a change in the standard of living. The impact of family education on a person’s happiness and values is infinite. My grandmother died at the age of 98, but every time I think of her, I always feel empowered by her unconditional love.

On a rational level, education is a very complex system, involving parents, students, policy makers, and more. The complexity of this important yet slow-moving system requires one to invest more effort and time into it. Therefore, I am always looking for ways to support educational projects. Some things are done by coincidence, while some are actively thought and explored by me. Wuhan College was more like the former. Philanthropic giving for higher education ignited my interest and reminded me of China’s forefathers and their commitments to university education. After I retired, I continued to invest a lot of energy in this project, including the process of [helping Wuhan College] move from being an independent college to a private university. After the experience with Wuhan College, I was very willing to support the founding of West Lake University as well.

The other kind [of philanthropy] is the one I take the initiative to do so, such as the Yidan Prize. My intention is to encourage the advocacy of human understanding and contribution, and that begins with education. To advance the cause of global education, it must be based on outcomes that are sharable and replicable. To recognize the outstanding educational contributions of individuals, we set up a globally representative Advisory Committee to discuss the criteria that adhere to four main pillars: future-oriented, innovative, transformative, and sustainable.


Ronnie C. Chan: If you could go back to the beginning and do it all over again, what would you do differently? Or do you think the last eight years have mostly gone well? And where do you plan to go next?



Charles CHEN Yidan: I am grateful for everything , so I don’t really look back or want to change it. Because the decisions made at that time were based on the level of ability, resources, and aspirations. They were done with good intent so I don’t have any desire to change anything.

Moving forward, I think we still have to continue to put our energy and resources into the construction of the mechanism to maximize its impact and sustainability. My ethos is, as long as [we are] consistent and persistent in promoting causes we care about then we grow [as a society], it is not always about the specific outcomes.


Ronnie C. Chan: I have known Charles for so many years, he has an excellent mentality, and a wise view of himself, his family, his society, his country, and humanity. He is not only very successful in business, but also in philanthropy, especially in the field of education, and we at CAPS look forward to your continued success. Once again, thank you, for speaking with us and sharing your journey in philanthropy with us, which I believe will have a very positive effect on people who come after you.


[1] This is an expression derived from a concept in traditional Chinese medicine, “Pain comes and goes with obstruction” (literal translation), describing the relationship between pain points and healing through the flow of Qi and blood. This might be thought of as, “pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.”

A Baseline Research for “Win-Win for Vietnam” Project

Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD)

Companies in Vietnam are increasingly integrating social and environmental considerations into their business development strategy, according to this report by MSD Vietnam. Approaches to corporate social responsibility (CSR) are becoming more professional, with responsibilities taken on within the high-level leadership of the business. However, many companies still find evaluating the impact challenging. The report also explores the willingness of companies to collaborate with civil society organizations (CSOs). Barriers to collaboration and some potential solutions are discussed at length. A key recommendation of the report is for greater networking between businesses and CSOs in order to build communication and capacity to create shared value. Read it here.